Domaine Arlaud
Domaine Arlaud
Domaine Arlaud
Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf - +33 (0) 4 65 84 99 51
Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf - +33 (0) 4 65 84 99 51
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Cyprien Arlaud embodies the third generation of Domaine Arlaud, a relatively recent family history since it is the fruit of the meeting and marriage of the Burgundian Renée Amiot and the Ardéchois Joseph Arlaud, the estate was born in 1942. Forty years later, in 1983, their son Hervé Arlaud took over the reins of the vineyard and continued to expand it; it drove many changes, the wines signed Arlaud therefore went organic in 2004 and biodynamic in 2009, certified since 2014. The estate now covers 15 hectares, and has taken over the vines of Guy Coquard in following his retirement in 2004. Cyprien has been managing the estate since 2013 and is surrounded by his brother Romain and his sister Bertille, who is responsible for the two workhorses. They have all three been able to develop a resolutely modern version of classic vinification. Wines that are still very elegant, fine and pure, and with promising aging potential.
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