Domaine Sainte Lucie
Domaine Sainte Lucie
Domaine Sainte Lucie
Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf - +33 (0) 4 65 84 99 51
Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf - +33 (0) 4 65 84 99 51
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A few years ago, more precisely in 2006, Virginie Fabre and her partner Guillaume Philip came into the spotlight in the world of vineyards and wine, obtaining medals, distinctions and prizes for their first production of rosé wine, 2005 vintage, in the sub-region of Côtes-de-Provence Sainte-Victoire. The local wine-making microcosm was happy to attend the event and the birth of a new concept, "MiP" for Made in Provence. And everyone who thought these new ideas were merely a flash in the pan quickly had to reconsider. Twelve years later, the drawers are filled with medals and many of the wines produced by Guillaume & Virginie are benchmarks.
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