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The historical witness of the vine date back to the Roman times when this wine was well known and appreciated, up to the point that one of its biggest fan was Mrs Livia Drusillia, wife of the Emperor Augustus. A modern vine with an ancient history, bounded to the territory which plays a fundamental role in the definition of its identity: Italianness! Today Prosecco DOC has become a wine for every occasion, an excellent companion for aperitifs, meals, parties or intriguing after dinners... DIVICI: the choice of the bottle shape was meant to recall the history and specifically the ancient Roman columns, which served as supporting elements for the public buildings overlooking the main "Square" (the so called “Piazza”), hub of the social and cultural life of that time. The name DIVICI is made up of the characters of the Roman numerals, which confer greater importance to its classical harmony, it unique personality and its contemporary design, thought to be unforgettable.
Innerhalb der EU bieten wir die Lieferung am nächsten Tag an. Die Kosten werden an der Kasse berechnet.
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We are the leading yacht wine supplier, offering a curated selection of fine wines and spirits—delivered worldwide, no matter where your yacht is.
Unsere preisgekrönte Weinkarte bietet eine große Auswahl an Weinen und Spirituosen, die alle wichtigen Marken und Regionen repräsentieren, aber auch einige Perlen aus unserer eigenen Produktion.
Der Nachweis der Volljährigkeit des Käufers ist zum Zeitpunkt des Online-Verkaufs erforderlich. GESETZBUCH DER ÖFFENTLICHEN GESUNDHEIT, ART. L.3342-1 und L.3353-3