Silver Oak - Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley

Silver Oak - Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley - 2017 - 75cl - Onshore Cellars

Silver Oak - Cabernet Sauvignon - Napa Valley

Almindelig pris €246.33
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The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
The nose is aromatic and racy. It reveals notes of cassis, cassis bud and flowers associated with slight notes of red bell pepper as well as a discreet touch of tobacco and a discreet grilled touch. The palate is fruity, fat, well-balanced, relatively suave, a bit silky and offers small fresh frame. On the palate this wine expresses notes of blackberry, cassis and touches of plum associated with a discreet touch of oak, fresh red fruit, and a fine touch of coffee. Tannins are fine and integrated. Good length.
Napa Valley
Silver Oak
Cabernet Sauvignon
16° - 18° C
Forslag til parring:
Lamb, Duck, Grilled Meats, Charcuterie and Cured Meats, Cheddar, Pizza, Blue Cheese, Green Vegetables, Roasted Nuts

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1-3 dages levering på hele EU's fastland for ordrer afgivet inden kl. 14. Tillad en ekstra dag for øer. 

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Ring venligst for et tilbud:  +33 4 65 84 99 51

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Silver Oak Cellars

Silver Oak

Silver Oak Cellars is a renowned winery located in the heart of Napa Valley, California. Founded in 1972 by Raymond Twomey Duncan and Justin Meyer, the winery has...

Silver Oak Cellars is a renowned winery located in the heart of Napa Valley, California. Founded in 1972 by Raymond Twomey Duncan and Justin Meyer, the winery has become synonymous with producing some of the finest Cabernet Sauvignon wines in the world.

The winery's history is steeped in tradition and passion for winemaking. The founders were inspired by the great wines of Bordeaux and wanted to create a wine that would rival the best of them. They chose Napa Valley as the location for their winery because of its ideal climate and soil conditions for growing Cabernet Sauvignon grapes.

Silver Oak Cellars is known for its unique style of production, which involves aging their wines in American oak barrels for up to 25 months. This process imparts a distinctive flavor profile to the wine, with notes of vanilla, spice, and toasted oak.

The winery produces two distinct Cabernet Sauvignon wines, one from their Napa Valley vineyards and the other from their Alexander Valley vineyards. The Napa Valley wine is known for its rich, full-bodied flavor, while the Alexander Valley wine is more elegant and refined.

In addition to their Cabernet Sauvignon wines, Silver Oak Cellars also produces a limited amount of Chardonnay. This wine is fermented in French oak barrels and aged for up to 10 months, resulting in a wine with a creamy texture and notes of tropical fruit and vanilla.

Overall, Silver Oak Cellars is a must-visit winery for anyone interested in experiencing the best of Napa Valley's Cabernet Sauvignon wines. Their commitment to quality and tradition is evident in every bottle they produce, and their wines are sure to impress even the most discerning wine connoisseur.

Silver Oak
Californien - Onshore Cellars


Californien er en region, der er kendt for sin vinproduktion. Staten har en lang historie med vinproduktion, der går tilbage til det 18. århundrede, hvor spanske...

Californien er en region, der er kendt for sin vinproduktion. Staten har en lang historie med vinproduktion, der går tilbage til det 18. århundrede, hvor spanske missionærer først plantede vinranker i området. I dag er Californien hjemsted for nogle af de mest berømte vinproducenter i verden, herunder Napa Valley og Sonoma County.

En af de mest kendte vinproducenter i Californien er Robert Mondavi Winery. Vingården, der blev grundlagt i 1966, ligger i hjertet af Napa Valley og er kendt for sin Cabernet Sauvignon og Chardonnay af høj kvalitet. Robert Mondavi Winery er også kendt for sit engagement i bæredygtighed og bruger miljøvenlige metoder i sine vinmarker og vinfremstillingsprocesser.

En anden berømt vinproducent i Californien er Opus One Winery. Opus One blev grundlagt i 1979 af Robert Mondavi og Baron Philippe de Rothschild, ligger i Napa Valley og er kendt for sine blandinger i Bordeaux-stil. Vingården bruger en kombination af traditionelle og moderne vinfremstillingsteknikker til at producere sine højkvalitetsvine.

Ud over disse berømte vinproducenter er Californien også hjemsted for en række mindre boutique-vinhuse. En af disse vingårde er Kistler Vineyards, som ligger i Sonoma County. Kistler Vineyards er kendt for sin Chardonnay og Pinot Noir, som fremstilles ved hjælp af traditionelle vinfremstillingsteknikker og lagres på franske egetræsfade.

Når det gælder spiritus, er Californien også hjemsted for en række berømte destillerier. Et af disse destillerier er St. George Spirits, som ligger i Alameda. St. George Spirits er kendt for sin håndværksmæssige spiritus, herunder gin, vodka og absint. Destilleriet bruger en kombination af traditionelle og moderne teknikker til at producere spiritus af høj kvalitet.

Et andet berømt destilleri i Californien er Anchor Distilling Company, der ligger i San Francisco. Anchor Distilling Company er kendt for sin Old Potrero Rye Whiskey, som fremstilles efter traditionelle metoder og lagres på egetræsfade. Destilleriet producerer også en række andre former for spiritus, bl.a. gin, vodka og rom.

Overordnet set er Californien en region, der er kendt for sin produktion af vin og spiritus af høj kvalitet. Uanset om du er på udkig efter en berømt vinproducent som Robert Mondavi Winery eller en mindre boutique-vingård som Kistler Vineyards, så har Californien noget at byde på for enhver vinelsker. Hvis du er spiritusentusiast, kan du heller ikke gå galt i byen med et besøg hos St. George Spirits eller Anchor Distilling Company.

Udforsk Californien
Vores samling af Napa Valley - Find dette hos Onshore Cellars, din leverandør af yachtvin

Napa Valley

Napa Valley er en verdenskendt vinregion i Californien, USA. Regionen har en rig historie med vinfremstilling, der går tilbage til det 19. århundrede, hvor europæiske immigranter...

Napa Valley er en verdenskendt vinregion i Californien, USA. Regionen har en rig historie med vinfremstilling, der går tilbage til det 19. århundrede, hvor europæiske immigranter først slog sig ned i området. I dag er Napa Valley hjemsted for over 400 vingårde, der producerer nogle af de fineste vine i verden.

Produktionsstilen i Napa Valley er stærkt påvirket af regionens unikke klima og jordbund. De varme, solrige dage og kølige nætter skaber de perfekte betingelser for dyrkning af druer med intens smag og aroma. Regionen er kendt for sin Cabernet Sauvignon, som ofte beskrives som rig, fyldig og kompleks. Andre populære druesorter er Chardonnay, Merlot og Pinot Noir.

Napa Valley er også kendt for sit engagement i bæredygtig og økologisk landbrugspraksis. Mange vingårde i regionen har indført disse metoder for at sikre jordens sundhed på lang sigt og kvaliteten af den vin, der produceres.

Nogle af de bedste vingårde i Napa Valley inkluderer:

1. Opus One - Denne ikoniske vingård blev grundlagt i 1979 af Robert Mondavi og Baron Philippe de Rothschild. Vingården producerer en blanding i Bordeaux-stil, som er meget eftertragtet af samlere over hele verden.

2. Screaming Eagle - Denne boutique-vingård producerer nogle af de dyreste vine i verden. Deres Cabernet Sauvignon er meget eftertragtet og sælges ofte for tusindvis af dollars pr. flaske.

3. Stag's Leap Wine Cellars - Denne vingård blev internationalt anerkendt i 1976, da deres Cabernet Sauvignon slog flere franske topvine i en blindsmagning kendt som "Judgment of Paris".

4. Silver Oak Cellars - Denne familieejede vingård er kendt for sin Cabernet Sauvignon, som lagres på amerikanske egetræsfade i over to år, før den frigives.

5. Cakebread Cellars - Denne vingård er kendt for sin Chardonnay og Cabernet Sauvignon samt sit engagement i bæredygtige landbrugsmetoder.

I det hele taget er Napa Valley et must for vinelskere i hele verden. Med sin rige historie, engagement i kvalitet og fantastiske natur er det ikke underligt, at Napa Valley-vine er nogle af de mest eftertragtede i verden.

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