Grant Burge Wines

Grant Burge Wines
Grant Burge Wines
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The Burge family can be traced back 5 generations to John Burge and his wife Eliza who arrived in Australia after making the trip from England in 1855. Today, after following in the footsteps of his forefathers, Grant Burge continues the winemaking traditions of his family.
The Grant Burge label was not actually founded until 1988 despite its long heritage. Today, Burge grows his grapes at several locations in both the Eden and Barossa Valleys. Some of his vines are almost 100 years old, such as the plantings at the Filsell Vineyard, which were set in the 1920s. Grant Burge now has no less than 18 locations where they grow their grapes, stretching from Tanunda to Williamstown, the concentration of which is in the vicinity of Lyndoch.
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We are the leading yacht wine supplier, offering a curated selection of fine wines and spirits—delivered worldwide, no matter where your yacht is.
Unsere preisgekrönte Weinkarte bietet eine große Auswahl an Weinen und Spirituosen, die alle wichtigen Marken und Regionen repräsentieren, aber auch einige Perlen aus unserer eigenen Produktion.
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