Castello Banfi - Poggio all'Oro Riserva - Brunello di Montalcino

97 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
93 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
95 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
90 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
Castello Banfi - Poggio all'Oro Riserva - Brunello di Montalcino - 2012 - 75cl - Onshore Cellars

Castello Banfi - Poggio all'Oro Riserva - Brunello di Montalcino

97 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
93 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
95 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
90 Punkte - The Wine Advocate
Regulärer Preis €220.72
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Inklusive Steuer. Versand wird an der Kasse berechnet.
Here is Castello Banfi's top-shelf wine from an iconic vintage. The 2016 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Poggio all'Oro shows a dark ruby or garnet appearance. The wine is impeccably balanced, aromatic and powerful all at the same time. The bouquet presents etched aromas of wild berry fruit and cherry, and there is a good amount of earth, wild rose and grilled herb. The wine is broad and long-lasting on the palate (with 15.5% alcohol) for safekeeping in your cellar. Exactly 15,976 bottles were released.
This wine is only produced in select vintages. The 2012 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Poggio All'Oro is an exuberant and robustly embellished wine that gives ample airtime to its various constituents. The fruit, the spice, the structure, and the freshness are all played up and ultimately find seamless integration to become one big happy whole. The bouquet is intricate and exciting, but I found the mouthfeel to be heavier and more astringent than I would have hoped. There's loads of volume and power here, and the wine's texture is very rich at this young stage. Give it a few more years to develop and soften. Out of the gate, I preferred the Riserva Poggio alle Mura, but that opinion could well shift as this wine gets the upper leg following prolonged aging.
Only made in the best vintages, this wine represents the pinnacle of Castello Banfi's quality production. The 2010 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Poggio All'Oro is a stunning achievement and will serve as a benchmark for this estate's future endeavours. The bouquet delivers both power and elegance with dried cherry, grilled herb, and delicate layers of spice. This ensemble is seamless and balanced. The wine makes a statement without speaking in a loud voice and that's what I like best about this Brunello. In the mouth, this young wine offers a fresh fruit presentation that promises to evolve slowly. The solid tannic structure and the wine's fresh acidity will also contribute to its longevity.
Forest floor, camphor, blue flower and pipe tobacco aromas take shape in the glass. Full-bodied and brawny, the concentrated palate exhibits raisin, prune, licorice and the heat of evident alcohol alongside densely woven, velvety tannins.
A much more masculine wine, the 2007 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Poggio all’ Oro is all about power. Smoke, tar, liquorice, game, and leather wrap around a deep, powerful core of fruit. There is little of the seductiveness of the Poggio alle Mura, instead this is a wine of pure power and masculine intensity. The hugely tannic finish has little of the sexiness of this radiant vintage.
Brunello di Montalcino DOCG
Castello Banfi
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Castello Banfi

Castello Banfi

Castello Banfi is a renowned wine producer located in the heart of Tuscany, Italy. The winery was founded in 1978 by the Mariani family, who had a vision...

Castello Banfi is a renowned wine producer located in the heart of Tuscany, Italy. The winery was founded in 1978 by the Mariani family, who had a vision of creating world-class wines that would showcase the unique terroir of the region. Today, Castello Banfi is one of the most respected wine producers in Italy, and their wines are enjoyed by wine lovers all over the world.

The winery is located on a historic estate that dates back to the 9th century. The estate was once owned by the Etruscans, and later by the Romans, who recognized the potential of the land for wine production. The Mariani family has continued this tradition, and has invested heavily in the estate to ensure that it is one of the most modern and technologically advanced wineries in Italy.

Castello Banfi produces a wide range of wines, including Chianti Classico, Brunello di Montalcino, and Super Tuscans. Their wines are made using traditional methods, with a focus on quality and consistency. The winery has its own vineyards, which are carefully tended to ensure that the grapes are of the highest quality. The grapes are hand-picked and sorted, and only the best grapes are used in the winemaking process.

The winery has a deep respect for the environment, and has implemented sustainable farming practices to ensure that the land is preserved for future generations. Castello Banfi is also committed to social responsibility, and has implemented programs to support the local community.

Castello Banfi is a must-visit destination for wine lovers who are interested in experiencing the best that Tuscany has to offer. The winery offers tours and tastings, as well as a restaurant that serves traditional Tuscan cuisine. Visitors can also stay at the estate's luxurious hotel, which offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

In conclusion, Castello Banfi is a world-class wine producer that is dedicated to producing the highest quality wines while preserving the environment and supporting the local community. Their wines are a true reflection of the unique terroir of Tuscany, and are enjoyed by wine lovers all over the world.

Castello Banfi
Unsere Kollektion von Toskana - Finden Sie diese bei Onshore Cellars Ihrem Yacht-Weinlieferanten


Die Toskana, die älteste Weinregion Italiens, ist zwar mengenmäßig kein Schwergewicht, aber als Heimat von zwei der berühmtesten Weine des Landes...
Die Toskana, die älteste Weinregion Italiens, ist vielleicht kein Schwergewicht, was die Quantität angeht, aber als Heimat von zwei der berühmtesten Weine des Landes - Chianti und Brunello di Montalcino - kann sie in puncto Qualität durchaus mithalten. Das Klima der Toskana reicht von mediterranem Klima an der Küste bis zu kontinentalem Klima in den Apenninen. Mehr als zwei Drittel der Provinz sind von Hügeln bedeckt, ein wichtiger Faktor für das Terroir der edlen Weine.
Entdecke die Toskana
Brunello-di-Montalcino - Kellereien an Land

Brunello di Montalcino DOCG

Der Brunello di Montalcino ist ein Rotwein, der in der italienischen Region Toskana hergestellt wird. Er wird aus 100% Sangiovese-Trauben hergestellt, die in den Hügeln um Montalcino angebaut werden...

Brunello di Montalcino ist ein Rotwein, der in der italienischen Region Toskana hergestellt wird. Er wird aus 100 % Sangiovese-Trauben hergestellt, die in den Hügeln um die Stadt Montalcino angebaut werden. Der Wein ist bekannt für seinen reichen, komplexen Geschmack und seine Aromen sowie für seine Fähigkeit, viele Jahre lang zu altern.

Die Geschichte des Brunello di Montalcino geht auf das 14. Jahrhundert zurück, als die Sangiovese-Traube erstmals in der Region angebaut wurde. Es dauerte jedoch bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, bis der Wein auch außerhalb der Region bekannt wurde. Im Jahr 1888 wurde der erste Brunello di Montalcino von Ferruccio Biondi-Santi, einem Winzer aus der Region, abgefüllt, dem die Entwicklung des modernen Stils des Weins zugeschrieben wird.

Heute wird der Brunello di Montalcino von einer Reihe verschiedener Weingüter in der Region hergestellt, die alle ihren eigenen Stil und Ansatz haben. Zu den bekanntesten Erzeugern gehören Biondi-Santi, Il Poggione und Banfi.

Der Herstellungsprozess des Brunello di Montalcino ist streng reglementiert, von den verwendeten Rebsorten bis hin zur Reifung gibt es strenge Vorschriften. Die Trauben müssen von Hand geerntet und in Edelstahltanks vergoren werden, bevor sie für mindestens zwei Jahre in Eichenfässern reifen. Nach dieser ersten Reifezeit reift der Wein weitere vier Monate in der Flasche, bevor er zum Verkauf freigegeben wird.

Das Ergebnis ist ein Wein von tief rubinroter Farbe mit Aromen von roten Früchten, Leder und Tabak. Am Gaumen ist er vollmundig und komplex, mit Aromen von Kirsche, Pflaume und Gewürzen. Die Tannine sind fest und gut strukturiert und verleihen dem Wein einen langen, anhaltenden Abgang.

Insgesamt ist der Brunello di Montalcino ein Wein, der von Sammlern und Liebhabern gleichermaßen hoch geschätzt wird. Seine reiche Geschichte, seine komplexen Aromen und seine Fähigkeit, viele Jahre zu reifen, machen ihn zu einem wahren Juwel in der italienischen Weinwelt.

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