Elena Walch

Elena Walch

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Elena Walch

Elena Walch

Elena Walch is a leading family-run winery in South Tyrol, the flagship of Italian wine production and internationally renowned.

Promoter of quality and innovation, Elena Walch has contributed to leading the South Tyrolean qualitative revolution thus earning great local and international consideration. Architect by profession, Elena Walch married the heir to one of the oldest winemaking families in the region, bringing with her new concepts of modernization of the traditional company. Today the business management is entrusted to the daughters Julia and Karoline Walch, the fifth generation of the family.

The company philosophy is closely linked to its terroir: the principle is that the wines must be a unique expression of their soil, climate and work done in the vineyard, and that the vineyard must be worked according to the principles of sustainability and as such left in legacy to the next generations. The profound belief that the quality of wine is born in the vineyard therefore brings with it the desire to work without compromise, respecting the individual characteristics of the single vineyard. With 60 hectares under cultivation, among which the two vineyards VIGNA Castel Ringberg in Caldaro and VIGNA Kastelaz in Termeno stand out, Elena Walch is one of the most important winemakers in South Tyrol.

The wines are distinguished by character, elegance and strong personality, combined with the highest professionalism of realization. The superb climatic conditions and the exceptional location of the estates result in fresh and fruity white wines, as well as concentrated and smooth red wines.

Find Elena Walch

Via Andreas Hofer, 1, 39040 Termeno sulla strada del vino BZ, Italy
