Veduta aerea di un pittoresco villaggio con edifici dai tetti rossi circondati da campi verdeggianti. Al centro spicca una chiesa con un'alta guglia. In lontananza, una torre bianca è visibile all'orizzonte.


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The best of Saint-Estephe wines are from the northernmost appellation of the Medoc. They offer a purity and intensity that is seldom found in other Bordeaux wines.

However, the region also produces a myriad of wines that are rustic and austere in style. Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are the kings here. Even though some Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot are planted in the region, they only play a minor role.

St. Estephe has numerous Cru Bourgeois wines that are easily at the level of many 5th growths, yet they sell for a pittance, when compared to numerous more expensive wines from the Left Bank. There are 35 Cru Bourgeois classified chateau in the Saint Estephe Appellation. That is more than any other major appellation.